25 May 2012


I've been busy these past few weeks.  Sorry for the lack of updates, but when I'm editing updates would be absurdly boring reports of how much coffee I drank, how much I doubt myself, how wonderful the highs of jubilance are, and how the lows make me want to give up, crawl into a cave and never emerge. But I'm glad to say, I'm on the other side of it. Phew! I spared you whines of insecurity. You can thank me later.

Shadow of the Mark is now something resembling a book. Just a round of copy edits and we are ready to go.  The really exciting thing about Shadow, is that edits have taken it in a direction I wasn't expecting, and as always, it's a better one. So much so, I'm gasping to write Carrier three. A new edition to the Marked crew has suddenly been smushed into my brain and he is starting to consume me. I just love when a character screams so loudly that he's all you can think about. He's developing, I'm seeing him, hearing him, and his personality is being formed. This is what writing is all about. That overwhelming urge to sit down and let a character tell a story. And to have it come out of your brain faster than you can type is so exciting it makes my heart beat faster as I'm living and breathing all the emotions of my characters.

Also, I got my first glimpse of the Shadow of the Mark cover. It's hard to express the mix of emotions one  feels when they see an email with 'your cover' in the subject line.  It's a mix of heart stopping excitement with nail bitting anxiousness. You're about to see something that will define your book, a book that you gave your life and soul to for so long. You're hoping you're going to love it, while preparing yourself for disappointment. I'll tell you this, I was not disappointed, and it's 100% The Carrier Series, there is no mistaking it. It's still in the tweaking stage, but as soon as I can share it with you guys, I will. Oh and to everyone looking for a release date, I'm so sorry I don't have it yet, but I hope to have it soon.

Anyway, that's it from me for now.  I'm off to write, write, write.  Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the holiday.

All the very best and talk soon.



  1. Yay for cover emails. I love that it's a perfectly normal thing for an author to have people screaming in their head. If we worked at something else, folk would worry. LOL.

    Congratulations for nearing the end of edits on Shadow of the Mark.

  2. Yay for the voices in your head! LOL!

  3. Gaaaaaaah... Leigh, I'm BEYOND excited for you!!!!!!! Can't wait to read and see the cover! It's going to be fabulous. :D <3 <3 <3

  4. I'm excited to hear about the edits for the story. Sounds like Shadow of the Mark is going to be exciting! And the cover glory!!! Can't wait to see the cover (also because I know that it means I get to read the book that much sooner!) :D

  5. OH MY GOD cant wait to read Shadow of the mark and see its seemingly amazing cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1<3<3<3<3<3<3<3:):):):):)

  6. I'm really excited! I loved the first book. <3 When is the closest you could give to a release date?

  7. I read your first book in less than 24 hours. It was great ! I was simply pulled in to the story and each chapter left me wanting more . Can't wait for the next book !!
