01 September 2011

News, updates, and other stuff

I’ve a few bits and bobs to cover in this blog post.
Firstly, I got my power back! Woot! I’ve been tackling hugging dishwashers, washing machines, and TV’s for the last 24 hours.  It’s been an emotional day, but both appliances and I are settling down now. Phew.
On the bookish front, Carrier 2 is back from my critique partners and the feedback is awesome.  When you can shock people, and make them laugh and cry in the same breath, you’re doing well. So I’m super-duper happy at the moment.  I still have a bit of fine tuning to do, but I’m hopeful that by the beginning of next week Carrier 2 will be sitting pretty in my editor’s inbox. Eeeek!
Speaking of editors, Erica, my editor, was on to me today.  Guess what people??
The final going on sale version of Carrier of the Mark is sitting on her desk! AGH! And even better, my first ever finished copy is winging its way from New York to Massachusetts tonight!  Mr. Postman, please be kind.
I also got another little bit of exciting news.  Apparently my cover got an upgrade! They’ve put in some extra prettiness into it by way of effects and texture. I can’t wait to see it. Eeeeeek! As soon as I get to see it myself, I’ll post a picture. Apparently it’s to-die-for gorgeous. FREAK OUT.
Oh and you know that uber amazing comp that I’ve been talking about?  Well that is coming your way next week.  I’ll be kicking off the one month countdown to Carrier’s release date with the launch of this comp, along with details of all the amazing stuff that will be coming your way over the next four weeks.  So fasten your seatbelts and brace yourselves, it’s going to be a fun ride.
Talk soon, fabulous people.