Oh my gosh, what fun this competition was. I’ve loved every one of your comments. We’ve had little girls who say ‘dick’ instead of ‘stick’ *giggle*, grannies who’ve mistaken frisbees for plates (too funny), gorgeous sleeping boyfriends with curly eyelashes *sigh*, old friends, new friends, doggies kisses, kitties running into walls, sad news turned happy, sweet driving instructors, great books, adorable children, gorgeous food, declarations of love, divine lie-ins, texts from China, sucking chocolate off coffee beans *snort*, transplant patients enjoying the sunshine *humongous smile*, and even a marriage proposal (awww)!
Let’s face it guys; we’ve a lot to smile about, so thank you for sharing your moments.
How could I even begin to pick a winner from all of you? I wish I had prizes for everyone, you all deserve them. So some tweeps on Twitter recommended Random.org.
And now to announce our WINNERS!! I say winner(s) because you guys have been so amazing, and your answers made me smile so much, that I’ve added another signed ARC of Carrier of the Mark.
Second prize goes to Gillian Cohen
Congratulations guys. And to those who didn’t win; Sorry, I know some of you have been entering my comps forever, but it’s in the hands of fate/luck. There will be more ARCs and swag up for grabs on my blog in the near future.
All the best.